This very large silver maple was dropping sizable branches onto and damaging the homeowners’ roof.
Impenetrable surfaces surround the base of this Norway spruce, resulting in badly girdled tree roots.
This job required the removal of eighteen trees, including one hickory that was leaning directly over the home.
by Jerad Oren
While many tree companies are honest and fair in their pricing, there are companies or situations when unethical behavior happens.
Outside of Simon Hall on Indiana University campus, a white oak tree in rapid decline needed removal.
Tree removal is a necessary but potentially dangerous task.
In the past, the only way to remove a tree was to do it manually, with a large saws and other hand-held tools. This was not only time-consuming but also quite dangerous. Performing operations requiring strength and skill while high up in a tree was, and still is, a challenge.
The Importance of Tree Risk Assessment, a Demonstration Tree Failure Video
While healthy trees provide numerous benefits, there is also risk associated with trees that are near valuable structures and possessions. Sometimes the consequences of tree failure can be severe.
ISA Certified Arborist Joe Rainwater captured this time-lapse of mechanized tree removal in action. Using two cranes, all but the biggest limbs can be ‘handed off’ directly from crane to crane, then dropped into the log truck without ever touching the ground – safe, clean and efficient.