To keep our tree service safe and efficient, we learn new procedures and practice scenarios — all in hopes we never have to do it for real.

For the tree professional every day brings certain risks. Being prepared to administer first aid or CPR in an emergency situation could potentially save a life. Knowing what to do if an emergency happens high up in a tree canopy is another matter. We took a day to address just that type of event with some professional outside help and guidance.



Beyond Safety Standards

The standard for tree care safety is The American National Standard for Arboricultural Operations – Safety Requirements or ANSI Z133-2017, developed by the Accredited Standards Committee ASC Z133. It is written by arborists for the arboriculture profession, applying to employers and employees engaged in various tree care services. Adding first aid and CPR is simply good practice.


Hands Only CPR

As the CDC states, “You don’t need special certification or formal training to perform CPR.” (source) You don’t need to be a tree professional either, performing services such as pruning, tree removal, plant health care, cabling and bracing, or regularly working with a chainsaw and large equipment. The key is education. The American Heart Association has this video on Hands Only CPR.

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Bluestone Tree
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Bluestone Tree